Early access

The job listing is stale. That’s why we’re reimagining it.

Share your story with engaging listings candidates can get excited about.
Get early accessDownload our one pager
98% of candidates say they need more information from companies to make an informed decision before even applying to a role.
75% of companies say that the applicants they receive are either unqualified or uninterested upon learning more information.
No more Generic Listings

Stand out from
the crowd.

Set your roles apart from a sea of other job listings and engage top talent at first glance. With a polished design, comprehensive layout and unique details candidates are seeking, you’ll draw the best kind of attention: great applicants that are informed and highly interested in joining your team.
showcase your uniqueness

Give personality to each opportunity.

Allow your roles to have a voice of their own by adding a level of transparency and authenticity no other job listings provide — from managerial styles to operational dynamics, we allow your team to showcase an insightful glimpse into each opportunity.
meet talent where they’re at

Flexible assets for optimal branding.

You own your job listing, and we make it easy to show it off. Utilize your branded assets to promote your role across your website, social media, and beyond. Expand your reach and connect with talent wherever they may be.
Trusted by startups and companies hiring talent
Logos of the following companies: Bubble, Proven, CareMessage, Xander, Kappa.Logos of the following companies: Bubble, Proven, CareMessage, Xander, Kappa.
“Sponge makes displaying the value and culture of your company and the job opportunity much more engaging than existing methods. It tells "the story" of your company in a way that no text-only job listing does.”
Jeremy Wright
VP, Engineering at CareMessage
5 star rating
“Sponge has provided Bubble a valuable opportunity to present more detailed, relevant information to candidates and prospects. We are always thinking of ways we can be more transparent and share more through the interview process and employer branding - Sponge helps us get way more specific when describing what it's really like on our engineering teams, day-to-day, what projects we're working on right now, and how we work together.”
Jennifer Carberry
Director, Recruiting at Bubble
5 star rating
Early access

Pricing Plans

Our pricing plans are designed to meet you where you are at. Whether you are just getting started hiring talent, growing your brands exposure, or on a hiring spree, we’ve got you covered.


For teams getting started
/ Per Year
Starter includes:
  • Company account creation
  • 1 role per month
  • Open Graph imagery
  • Jobs page appearance
  • 1:1 role creation support
Get Started


For teams seeking brand exposure
/ Per Year
Growth includes:
  • Everything in Starter
  • Up to 3 roles monthly
  • 1 newsletter mention
  • 1 founder or team feature
  • $1,000 Job ads credit
Get Started


Are you on a hiring spree? Need a larger unlimited solution? Our enterprise plan is a perfect option for companies on a growth spurt.
Contact Us


Where do applications go?
Our role listings redirect to wherever your application is hosted.

What type of roles is the beta program designed for?
Right now, we’re rolling out the beta for mid-senior-level engineers. In the future, expect to see every role under the sun.

How do I get started?
Reach out to our team, and we’ll help you get everything set up (fully optimized and personalized to your needs).

Have more questions?
Schedule a call with our team and we’ll be happy to help.

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